This is what’s causing pain in shoulder, knee, hand and other parts of body. Actionable steps you can take today with 3 remedies.

Calcium deposits are the culprit that’s causing pain in body. Here is the remedy that works to remove calcium deposits to remove pain from your body. Watch Dr. Mandel from YouTube Channel @motivationaldoc explain what is going on and recommend the remedies you can start with today. Here are the recommendations from Dr. Mandel 3 […]

This is what’s causing pain in shoulder, knee, hand and other parts of body. Actionable steps you can take today with 3 remedies. Read More ยป

Importance of Electrolytes while Intermittent Fasting and How to Combat Weakness or Lack of Energy

While into your fasting you may notice your energy going down and overall weakness. This is due to depletion of electrolytes in your body. Here are a few ways to fix this issue while fasting. What is electrolyte water? Electrolyte water is infused with sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. It hydrates your body unlike water

Importance of Electrolytes while Intermittent Fasting and How to Combat Weakness or Lack of Energy Read More ยป

What Happens To Your Body During Intermittent Fasting, Here Are All The Stages

Intermittent fasting is a popular weight-loss strategy that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It can involve going without food for extended periods of time, usually no more than 24 hours. But what actually happens to your body during intermittent fasting? In this article, weโ€™ll take a closer look at all the stages of

What Happens To Your Body During Intermittent Fasting, Here Are All The Stages Read More ยป

7 Healthy Food Recipies For Diabetics

Eating healthy is essential for anyone, but it’s especially important for diabetics. Healthy eating habits can help diabetics manage their condition and lead a healthier lifestyle. This article will provide seven healthy food recipes designed specifically for diabetics to enjoy. These recipes are easy to follow, nutritious, and delicious! So, let’s get cooking! Omelette With

7 Healthy Food Recipies For Diabetics

Honey has a wide range of benefits! Find out how to use it as a natural remedy for 10 common ailments and the types of honey that work best.

Honey is one of nature’s oldest remedies, used for centuries as a natural way to treat ailments and improve health. It is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can help boost your immune system and provide many other benefits. In this article, we will explore the many benefits of honey, explain how it can

Honey has a wide range of benefits! Find out how to use it as a natural remedy for 10 common ailments and the types of honey that work best. Read More ยป

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